From her books:
• Lord, Where’s My Calling: When the Big Question Becomes the Big Distraction--The desire to know God’s special calling for our lives can become a deceptive and destructive focus on self—robbing us of our divinely, God-centered purpose. Understanding the paradigm-shifting difference between a calling and your divinely designed purpose can change your life today and forever.
• Mama Bear Apologetics: Empowering Your Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies— “Apologetics” can be an intimidating term, but it’s simply the study of all the incredible reasons we have for believing in Jesus and having a biblical worldview. As influencers of the next generation, it’s important that we fill our own tool box to the best of our ability so we can equip them to have a faith that lasts.
• My Big Bottom Blessing: How Hating My Body Led to Loving My Life--It’s nearly impossible to grow up without emotional wounds and experiential baggage, and there are many voices ready to tell us how best to deal with it all. But there is only Once Voice that leads to life, healing, and true human flourishing. In this talk we take time to remember the invaluable foundation of the Father’s love and learn to find our beautiful, God-defined identity in Christ alone.
Other topics include:
• Hold Fast: Cultivating an Enduring Devotion to Jesus— Jesus commands His followers to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength because He knows that’s the kind of devotion required for a faith that lasts. With the Letter to the Hebrews as a guide, we can take an honest look at the current condition of our own faith and discuss some enduring motivations and practical methods that can inspire the joyful pursuit of a stronger faith and greater spiritual maturity.
• Doubting toward Faith—Contrary to what many have been led to believe, honest doubts about our faith or even Jesus are nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, God has always been a safe place for the most difficult of questions, and He can use ours as catalysts for the kind of enduring faith we need for such a time as this.
• In Search of Truth—We are in a “live your truth” culture engaged in a constant battle of ideas. In this talk we build a case for objective truth and discuss practical ways to sort through all the noise and build a more confident faith.
• Struck Down but Not Destroyed—Stories of Spiritual abuse are far too common. Whether you’ve experienced it or simply want to be a vessel of healing, this talk will help you understand what spiritual abuse is and explore keys to surviving with a robust faith.
• Can I trust the Bible?--The Bible is under fire now more than ever both outside and within the church. Questions about its reliability and authority are more and more common. In this talk we discuss some of the great reasons we have for trusting the Bible we love so much.
• Are We Fools?--The Christian faith isn’t based upon feelings and opinions. It is rooted in an objectively verifiable historical event that either did or did not happen. The Apostle Paul said that if the resurrection of Jesus didn’t happen, our faith is in vain, and we should be pitied. Knowing the evidence for this glorious event will bolster your faith and grow your confidence as you follow Jesus.
Teasi can work with you to choose a topic that fits your group and event.
• Lord, Where’s My Calling: When the Big Question Becomes the Big Distraction--The desire to know God’s special calling for our lives can become a deceptive and destructive focus on self—robbing us of our divinely, God-centered purpose. Understanding the paradigm-shifting difference between a calling and your divinely designed purpose can change your life today and forever.
• Mama Bear Apologetics: Empowering Your Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies— “Apologetics” can be an intimidating term, but it’s simply the study of all the incredible reasons we have for believing in Jesus and having a biblical worldview. As influencers of the next generation, it’s important that we fill our own tool box to the best of our ability so we can equip them to have a faith that lasts.
• My Big Bottom Blessing: How Hating My Body Led to Loving My Life--It’s nearly impossible to grow up without emotional wounds and experiential baggage, and there are many voices ready to tell us how best to deal with it all. But there is only Once Voice that leads to life, healing, and true human flourishing. In this talk we take time to remember the invaluable foundation of the Father’s love and learn to find our beautiful, God-defined identity in Christ alone.
Other topics include:
• Hold Fast: Cultivating an Enduring Devotion to Jesus— Jesus commands His followers to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength because He knows that’s the kind of devotion required for a faith that lasts. With the Letter to the Hebrews as a guide, we can take an honest look at the current condition of our own faith and discuss some enduring motivations and practical methods that can inspire the joyful pursuit of a stronger faith and greater spiritual maturity.
• Doubting toward Faith—Contrary to what many have been led to believe, honest doubts about our faith or even Jesus are nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, God has always been a safe place for the most difficult of questions, and He can use ours as catalysts for the kind of enduring faith we need for such a time as this.
• In Search of Truth—We are in a “live your truth” culture engaged in a constant battle of ideas. In this talk we build a case for objective truth and discuss practical ways to sort through all the noise and build a more confident faith.
• Struck Down but Not Destroyed—Stories of Spiritual abuse are far too common. Whether you’ve experienced it or simply want to be a vessel of healing, this talk will help you understand what spiritual abuse is and explore keys to surviving with a robust faith.
• Can I trust the Bible?--The Bible is under fire now more than ever both outside and within the church. Questions about its reliability and authority are more and more common. In this talk we discuss some of the great reasons we have for trusting the Bible we love so much.
• Are We Fools?--The Christian faith isn’t based upon feelings and opinions. It is rooted in an objectively verifiable historical event that either did or did not happen. The Apostle Paul said that if the resurrection of Jesus didn’t happen, our faith is in vain, and we should be pitied. Knowing the evidence for this glorious event will bolster your faith and grow your confidence as you follow Jesus.
Teasi can work with you to choose a topic that fits your group and event.